Thousands of requests can be found in the 3 most important search engines on the web every month: Google, Bing and Yahoo. Because of this, export-oriented companies must be ready to tackle the challenge of the global market and have their site translated into the languages of the markets they want to reach.
To have a successful window of your products which can be seen by millions of new and potential users, the answer is to translate your site and not just in the major European languages but also in Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Arabic and others as well. In fact, recent statistical studies have shown that Internet surfers are more likely to contact a site that is written in their own native tongue.
But the translation of a successful site is a more difficult job compared to the translation of just any old text: you cannot simply convert the contents from one language to another: it has to be adapted to the linguistic and cultural structure of the target country. All this is fundamental if you want to be in the first places in the search engines, entailing the translation and location of Meta tags, titles and keywords, i.e. those key words that are not directly visible but which are extremely important to optimise and expand the popularity of the site.
Our staff of specialist translators collaborates closely with SEO freelancers in Italy and abroad in order to take into account the search habits of the end users. Entrust Pegaso Traduzioni with the translation of your site in any language or format. All our translators and consultants are mother tongue in the target language and bilingual in the source language with many years’ experience and strict professional certifications in the main technical sectors so they can work with all the main languages used for creating Web sites and pages (XHTML, PHP, ASP, etc.).